Huge, huge congratulations on navigating all the unpredictability, fear, and joy of working for yourself! So awesome to have a supportive partner, too!
One of the things I think about a lot (especially in the last year) is how much what a job really offers is the illusion of security. We talk about 9–5s as if they’re secure, but clearly anything can happen and turn the world upside down, and when that happens, most jobs aren’t going to say, “Well, I’m here for your security, so don’t worry about this global economic shift, I got you!”
Also, one of the other contributing factors that lead up to my quit date was that my company decided a week before to completely change everyone’s job descriptions and tasks away from the things we had been hired to do; it was a real head-scratcher (still is, tbh) and it made me realize, “Oh, right, there’s no actual promise here.”
Anyway, cheers to you and I’m off to scope out your food blog! ❤